Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Why, hello there! Did you forget about me?

This little blog has been neglected as a result of taking care of 2 precious boys and trying to keep a clean house! I find that I can't put too many things on my plate or something really falls apart! My house was the thing that was falling apart and it was driving me nuts!! I cannot function when my house is a mess. It's so stressful to live amongst clutter and junk! However, I wasn't doing anything to help the situation.

I'm going to leave you with my new favorite picture of the two little men in my life that I am blessed to call my sons! I am so thankful to stay at home with them!
I hope to be more intentional about blogging and taking pictures this year! I love to be able to show our family that lives far away what is going on in our lives. If I can keep up with the things that NEED to get done, I will have time for other things I WANT to do! Here's to using my time more wisely in 2012!

I'm going to go unload the dishwasher now.....

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