Friday, January 30, 2009

My family

The computer is still on the mend, but my mom is letting me use her laptop until we get it fixed...hallelujah! I think we're going to have to go see the Geek Squad this weekend because I still can't find the re-installation CD that we need...

Anyway...I realized I never shared our Christmas card picture from this year. This is my family - Sugar, Sam, Me, and Michael. This picture was taken by my friend, Robin, in her backyard. We had to take about 50 pictures just to get this one good picture. There are some great ones of just Sam, Me, and Michael, but Sugar doesn't like to cooperate for pictures.

Sam and I will have been married for 6 years on February 8th!! I cannot believe it's been that long already...we're like an old married couple now...ha! He's taking me on a trip to see Niagara Falls and we're staying in Canada next weekend! I'm really excited!! I know that the Falls are going to be such a gorgeous sight to see! Sam also made surprise reservations at a restaurant on Saturday's supposed to be amazing!! We're also going to freeze our tails off! I will make sure to post pictures!

Another bit of news...Michael has 2 teeth!! They're not all the way in, but you can definitely see two white teeth poking through! He's been a little fussy at night time, but nothing a little Tylenol and Orajel can't fix!! His sleep is not disturbed, however, because he's still getting the 10-12 hours a night! WOOHOO!! I can't get a good picture of his teeth because he won't keep his mouth open long enough! But, one of these days, you'll be able to see them good while he's smiling!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

sad day...

Our computer is very sick. I am sick about thinking about it. It just shut down all of a sudden and it won't start back up. I've called technical support and they can't do anything about it unless I have the re-installation CD. Surprise!! I can't find the CD. So, technical support is waiting on me to find that darn CD. On a positive note, our basement is getting organized while I look for it!

I really hope that it can be fixed because ALL of my pictures are on there. The ironic thing is that I've been talking about backing up our pictures for a while now, but have yet to do it. AND, I just checked it for viruses on Monday.

SO....remember to back up your pictures TODAY!!!! I have learned a lesson.

It'll probably be a while before another blog, but I'll keep you posted! I'm using the in-laws' computer right now.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Meme

I was tagged by by friend Ashley to participate in this fun activity called a meme (pronounced "meem" - Ashley looked it up on You are supposed to explain the 5th picture in the 5th folder on my computer and then tag 5 people to do the same.

This picture is of my husband, Sam and I in front of the Louisville Slugger bat. We were traveling with Sam's sister and brother-in-law to Des Moines, Iowa. We decided to take a little detour to find this famous bat. I've always heard about it, but never had seen it in person.

So, we get off the Louisville exit and there are no signs for this big bat anywhere. We figured it would be obvious...but noooo. We rode around Louisville for probably 30 minutes just looking for this big ole bat.

However, we finally saw it and it really was huge! We got out and took pictures for about 2 minutes and then we were on our way again! Good times!!

So, now for tagging 5 people. I tag....


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

bath time!!

I just noticed my "last post"...ha! Although I do think that my husband is the most handsome man on the planet, he decided to write that one about himself! He's so funny! I'll have to have an all about Sam at a later date...

Anyway...I just love bath time with Michael! Now that he's learned to sit up on his own, he can really enjoy being in the water instead of laying down and having that fear of drowning. He just loves to play with his rubber duckies!

Also, on another note...Michael had to make a little trip to the doctor the other week because his entire body had broken out in a rash over the Christmas holidays. I thought he might be allergic to dogs and I really dreaded hearing what the doctor had to say. What if he was allergic? Everywhere we go has a dog...and I really didn't want to get get rid of Sugar! However, it was not an allergic reaction, but it was excema (is that how you spell that?). The doctor knew immediately after looking at him.
I was told to keep him lotioned up really well - Eucerin is a miracle cream!! He is now looking really good and his little body feels normal again! yay!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sam is amazing.

I realized that I hadn't really said anything about my husband Sam on this site... my apologies!

Sam is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He is absolutely gorgeous and very athletic. He loves me and he loves Michael and he takes care of us every day. I love Sam more today than I ever have and he makes me so happy!

Thank God for his 6-pack, it is stellar for an old 26 year old.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here are a few pictures of our first Christmas with Michael!

Christmas eve in his pajamas...

Dressed up like Frosty on Christmas day...
This next one is my favorite! I had it framed for our parents! Robin took this picture at our small group Christmas party! His smile is just the best!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Where in the world?

I promise we are still alive and well. We had a fantastic Christmas break! We have been traveling around everywhere and are finally home. I didn't take many pictures because I didn't have my camera with me - grr!! I'm hoping I can copy some of our mom's pictures and I will soon post them on here!
Michael is such a trooper! He traveled around with us and adjusted very well to each new place! His favorite thing during his Christmas travels was the wrapping paper! He was quite entertained by all of the colorful paper!

I will post pictures later that will be better for story telling!! Happy New Year to everyone!! It's time to get started on those resolutions!! Mine is to lose that baby weight!! Michael's is to grow big and strong. Sam doesn't have one!! :) Good thinking on his part.
