Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mr. Snow-tato Head

The snow did indeed ice over last night and made for some great snowman making. Sam headed out during naptime and started the snowman all by himself so that Michael would only have minimal work to do. I stood by (looking out the window) for moral support!

We didn't prepare for our snowman's face by stocking up on carrots and coal, so we improvised! We have a large Mr. Potato Head and we used his facial parts to complete our snowman... We've named him Mr. Snow-tato Head! Isn't he handsome?




I'm sure you noticed the new blog design! I'm a little bit proud that I created it all by myself! I took advantage of naptime today by doing some research on how to make my blog a little cuter... I also learned how to make pictures larger! I was a little hesitant in doing the whole *pink* theme with me being the only girl in a house full of boys. Most of my blogs are about my boys, but I needed to express myself in the background (sounds silly) and I love all things pink, so that's just what it's going to be! :)


John and Kay said...

Awesome looking snow-tato man. They did a good job.

Ashley said...

The new layout looks great, and I love that snow-tato. So clever!

Sue said...

I love that Mr. Snow-Tato has a definite chin! Glad you guys are finding ways to enjoy the snow....and ice! Keep warm!!!! Love ya!

The Thome Family said...

We almost used Mr. Potato head parts too! Purs is little though and I couldn't find the parts, so we used food. Did you get to drive by and see our snowman family? I love the new blog look by the way. You will have to do something to mine! :)

Summer said...

Love the snow-tato!! So cute. y'all all look so cute too!