So, I haven't written much about my pregnancy since I announced we were expecting. Baby and I are doing well! A few weeks ago, the evening sickness ceased and I regained some energy, so I'm starting to feel normal again. One of may favorite bloggers documents her pregnancy every week with these highlights and I love it. Although you will not get weekly updates from me, I would love to fill you in on some pregnancy stats!
I will be 20 weeks on Tuesday - halfway there!! We also find out the sex of the baby and I could not be more anxious! We will be thrilled no matter what the ultrasound tech tells us, but it's just good to know! I can't wait to call him/her by name!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: almost 20 weeks
Size of baby: Baby girl/boy is the length of a banana and weighs 10.5 ounces
Maternity clothes: YES! I got a pair of maternity "jeggings" (jean/leggings) and they are the most comfy things ever created. I have a feeling I might wear those even after the baby comes!
Gender: We'll find out soon!!
Movement: I've just started feeling the baby this week! I was getting a little worried, but he/she helped calm my nerves. It feels like little bubbles popping right now. No big kicks or anything.
Sleep: I sleep pretty good, but I have to have 2 pillows surrounding me to keep me from turning over on my stomach.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach!
Cravings: Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies, Koolaid, baked potatoes, salty things - too bad it's not fruit and veggies!
Symptoms: my gag reflex is really sensitive, but the nausea has gone away!
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move :)
You look great!! And buy yourself a body pillow (for pregnant people)! It will be your favorite purchase ever!!
You look so beautiful my friend! I can't believe you find out this week! I can't wait to know who Julia's new friend is going to be!!
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