We are so excited to announce that Michael is going to have a little.....

I am super excited and already anticipating having two sons - brothers! I know that will always be a special bond between the two of them. I'm looking forward to campouts in the backyard, forts in the living room, wrestling matches (with Daddy of course, not me), and many more boy things!
Sam can hardly contain his excitement! I tease him that he's trying to custom-build a basketball team! :) ha!
Anyhow.... the jury is still out on his name! I would love to go ahead and monogram it on his stocking, but doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon. We are in no hurry, though!
I'm so excited for you!!! How much fun!! two sweet little boys:)
So exciting!! Its going to be so fun to have 2 little guys in your house! I can relate to wanting to make the stocking. I order ours monogramed from Landsend and its driving me nuts not being able to order the cute one I want with his name on it...We've got it narrowed down to two names...Owen or Nathan (at least we think we've got it narrowed down). I just can't decide! Have fun choosing your sweet boy's name :-)
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