Saturday, June 16, 2012

Racing with Daddy

Every year, our town has a 5K on Fathers Day weekend. We are making it an annual tradition for our family. So far, Michael is the only one who has participated, but we are hoping to all run together in the future. Michael ran the Fun Run Mile for the first time last year (when he was two). This kid loves to run and he loves to be fast. We made sure to eat a good dinner the night before and get a good night's sleep so that he would have lots of energy!

Michael woke up early with a great attitude. He put on his Superman shirt for some motivation. He laced up his running shoes....
Got his racing number....
And he ran fast!

It was a challenge for him. He wanted to quit. He wanted to walk. He was fighting back tears as he finished. But, he finished!! Yay! He even got a medal as a reward for his hard work. That was one proud 3-year-old.

We enjoyed watching the 5K as Michael caught his breath, rested, ate some snacks, and debriefed with Grandpa.
We are so proud of our little runner. I could learn a lot from his perseverance. I got a little emotional thinking about the many races in his future!

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