Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 months

Isaac, you are 10 months old! Are we really going to be celebrating your first birthday in two short months?

You are army-crawling like a champ.... You still don't want to have anything to do with lifting your belly off the floor when you crawl. But, I guess you get around just fine, so why change, huh? You like to pull up on things now. Sometimes your legs start to slide out from under you and you start going into a split. I don't think you know how to correct yourself, so you just keep sliding! It cracks me up!
 I love how you try to reach something and you go up on your tip-toes! Look at those cute little feet!

We all love you so much! You bring us such joy! Everyone who meets you comments on how happy you are! I love that you are a happy baby! I pray that your joy stays with you forever!!


Susan said...

He is precious!! I love those big smiles!! :)

Robyn Beele said...

So sweet! I love the idea of the chalkboard!

Natalie said...

I love this post! He is such a cutie!

A Wedding Story said...

Issac is precious! I love how you do your photos...very fun. My daughter is seven months and 19 pounds...oh what a chunker :)