Monday, August 1, 2011

A letter to a 3 year old...

Dear 3-year-old Michael,

You are so much fun! Your daddy and I talk about how proud we are of you every day. Sometimes we sneak into your room after you've gone asleep and just look at you and smile. We love you so much. You are growing up too fast though. You need to slow down a bit!

Your favorite toys right now are your Woody and Buzz and Lightning McQueen car (all birthday presents). You also LOVE little matchbox cars. You are in the 'pretend' stage now and it's fun to hear you have conversations with your toys. Just yesterday I was listening to you make voices for Mickey and Elmo. They were taking turns driving a car in your room. I loved it!

You love to watch Veggie Tales and Mickey Mouse. You probably would watch those things 24/7 if I let you. I kind of retired Thomas the Train without telling you because the song was making me go crazy. Sorry about that.

You are still not potty trained. It's partly my fault because I have a hard time staying home long enough to do it. We're working on it though. I refuse to do the messy method where you might pee in the house, so I'm just hoping you can learn while wearing a diaper. Hopefully you'll just get the hang of it one of these days! You don't seem to care too much about the potty right now....

You are so easy to have a conversation with. You catch on to so many words and phrases! I love when you say something totally new and surprise us! You sound like such a grown up sometimes!

You are so sweet to your little brother. He adores you! You love to make him smile and you like to pretend that he's telling you stories! You say "Uh huh... And then what happened?"

Before you were born, your daddy and I had conversations about the kind of person that we wanted you to be. I said I wanted God to make you kind. Daddy said he wanted God to make you athletic. I think God has more than blessed us with those attributes in your life! You ooze fruits of the Spirit! I am so thankful that God is stirring in your heart at such a young age! I can't wait for the day that you have your own relationship with your Savior! I am confident that you are going to be an incredible man of God and that you are going to draw so many people to Him!
We love you to the moon.... and back!
Mommy & Daddy


John and Kay said...

You made me cry! He is such a sweet little boy. I love him so much!

Carrie said...

Sweet, sweet Michael Borg! We pray that he marries OUR 3 year old one day! {he he!}