Friday, January 14, 2011

My Baby Can Read!

Have you heard of the "Your Baby Can Read" program? Yeah, the informercial comes on TV when nothing else is on.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing.... But I do know that when I would watch these informercials, I would feel these pangs of guilt.

I would think thoughts like
"Is Michael behind his peers if he isn't reading at 9 months?"
MAN!! Seriously? WHY would those thoughts cross my mind?

Anyway.... We did not invest in the program, but I have noticed that Michael IS in fact reading (or recognizing logos...whatever)...

These are the words he can read:

-Kroger (his first word to read)
-Burger King

Can you tell how we spend our days?


idnar82 said...

Hahaha! Along that Logic, D can read too!! Chick-Fil-A and McDonalds would be his strongest two words :-)

John and Kay said...

A boy that loves to shop and eat. My kind of kid!

The Thome Family said...

What about SONIC??

Ashley said...

That sounds about like Easton's vocabulary. :) Those informercials get me, too.