Now do you have that toothpaste song from "Grease" in your head?
This is Michael's new favorite thing to do - brush his teeth! Every time he sees the bathroom door open, he says "teeth?". We pushed his step-stool up to the counter so he can get up there all by himself. I turn on the water and he goes to town. He basically sucks the water off of the toothbrush, but he's learning! He likes to keep his pearly whites in their best condition!

I also wanted to share with you Michael's other favorite thing - praying! He loves praying for everybody! At night before he goes to bed, Sam and I hold hands with Michael and we pray for our WHOLE family and all of our friends and even the things that he loves. I wish I could get it on video, but I'll type out what a typical prayer sounds like. We say everything and Michael repeats...
Jesus...Thank you...for Mama...Dada...Sugar...
Aunt Anna...Uncle Elliot (this is hilarious to hear him say)...MayMay...
Uncle Josiah...Aunt Meredith...
Uncle David...Summer...Kennedy....
Thank you for AMEN!
He loves saying Amen and he claps when you're done praying. But then he only wants to grab your hand and pray some more. I love it!
Oooooh...he thanks Jesus for Chloe and Eli...cue melting heart!!!
Priceless! He's so sweet!!!
What kind of step stool do you have for Michael? I haven't found a good one that's tall enough.
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