Michael fell on the kitchen floor last night...right on his face! He busted his lip good!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Brush 'em, Brush 'em, Brush 'em
Now do you have that toothpaste song from "Grease" in your head?
This is Michael's new favorite thing to do - brush his teeth! Every time he sees the bathroom door open, he says "teeth?". We pushed his step-stool up to the counter so he can get up there all by himself. I turn on the water and he goes to town. He basically sucks the water off of the toothbrush, but he's learning! He likes to keep his pearly whites in their best condition!

I also wanted to share with you Michael's other favorite thing - praying! He loves praying for everybody! At night before he goes to bed, Sam and I hold hands with Michael and we pray for our WHOLE family and all of our friends and even the things that he loves. I wish I could get it on video, but I'll type out what a typical prayer sounds like. We say everything and Michael repeats...
Jesus...Thank you...for Mama...Dada...Sugar...
Aunt Anna...Uncle Elliot (this is hilarious to hear him say)...MayMay...
Uncle Josiah...Aunt Meredith...
Uncle David...Summer...Kennedy....
Thank you for basketball...football...bananas...books...Elmo... AMEN!
He loves saying Amen and he claps when you're done praying. But then he only wants to grab your hand and pray some more. I love it!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Follow You
This is my new favorite song right now. I'm not sure how long it's been out, but I heard it on the radio while Sam was in Haiti. They had edited the song to have clips from the news about Haiti over the instrumental parts in the song. It brought tears to my eyes as I listened because the words are so powerful.
I want to claim this song as my life song. I want to live like the words in this song say!
It's called "Follow You" by Leeland
You lived among the least of these
The weary and the weak
And it would be a tragedy for me to turn away.
All my needs you have supplied.
When I was dead you gave me life.
How could I not give it away so freely?
And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.
Use my hands, use my feet
To make your kingdom come
Through the corners of the earth
Until your work is done
'Cause Faith without works is dead
And on the cross your blood was she'd
So how could I not give it away so freely?
And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.
I give all myself.
I give all myself
I give all myself... to you.
And I give all myself.
Yes, I give all myself.
And I give all myself... to you.
And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine Cookies
Kaylin was so good at making Valentine cookies! She knew just what to do from pressing the cookie cutter into the dough to picking up the hearts and putting them on the baking sheet! Michael really just liked to touch the dough and mess up the hearts...what a boy! ha!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A day in the life...
This morning, I've been following Michael around with a camera to capture his favorite moments! Out of all the time in the day, the mornings are my favorite time with Michael...when he's still in his jammies and his hair is all messed up! I love this little boy...
We started off the morning with a little breakfast... his favorite food is bananas! He calls them "nanas".

Next, we watched a little Sesame Street on TV. He loves to find the blanket and cover his feet up with it. He gets that from Mommy! :)
Then, we went and read some books in his room. He LOVES books! He can only say the 'k' letter at the end, so when he wants to read a book, he says "kkkk". He especially loves reading books with Daddy right before bed! He also found his Elmo and gave him a big hug! Elmo is his absolute favorite thing!

After that, we came into the kitchen to check email and see if we had heard from Daddy. Michael got to the computer first! We've got a little climber on our hands....
We just ate lunch and Michael is down for a nap. Then we'll probably repeat all of the above! He hasn't even put on real clothes yet! I love days like this, but we're definitely ready for some spring weather so we can play outside and go to the park!
*And, yes, Michael is wearing Christmas pajamas. I obviously need to do laundry today! :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
7 years

I am so lucky that Sam picked me to spend the rest of his life with him.

We have had our share of ups and downs and seasons of joy and trials. But there is no one else I would have wanted to share those moments with.
I am so thankful for our marriage. I am thankful that he loves the Lord. I am thankful that he is a fantastic father. I am so blessed to call Sam my husband!
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