Anyway...I just love bath time with Michael! Now that he's learned to sit up on his own, he can really enjoy being in the water instead of laying down and having that fear of drowning. He just loves to play with his rubber duckies!
Also, on another note...Michael had to make a little trip to the doctor the other week because his entire body had broken out in a rash over the Christmas holidays. I thought he might be allergic to dogs and I really dreaded hearing what the doctor had to say. What if he was allergic? Everywhere we go has a dog...and I really didn't want to get get rid of Sugar! However, it was not an allergic reaction, but it was excema (is that how you spell that?). The doctor knew immediately after looking at him.
I was told to keep him lotioned up really well - Eucerin is a miracle cream!! He is now looking really good and his little body feels normal again! yay!!
Look at those big blue eyes!!! He is so cute. I miss him!
Awe - I can't wait to see him again!!! Haha...I KNEW Sam had to have posted that last blog!!! Hope to see y'all Friday night =)
i LOVE those big eyes! he's a stud!
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