The computer is still on the mend, but my mom is letting me use her laptop until we get it fixed...hallelujah! I think we're going to have to go see the Geek Squad this weekend because I still can't find the re-installation CD that we need...
Anyway...I realized I never shared our Christmas card picture from this year. This is my family - Sugar, Sam, Me, and Michael. This picture was taken by my friend, Robin, in her backyard. We had to take about 50 pictures just to get this one good picture. There are some great ones of just Sam, Me, and Michael, but Sugar doesn't like to cooperate for pictures.
Sam and I will have been married for 6 years on February 8th!! I cannot believe it's been that long already...we're like an old married couple now...ha! He's taking me on a trip to see Niagara Falls and we're staying in Canada next weekend! I'm really excited!! I know that the Falls are going to be such a gorgeous sight to see! Sam also made surprise reservations at a restaurant on Saturday night...it's supposed to be amazing!! We're also going to freeze our tails off! I will make sure to post pictures!
Another bit of news...Michael has 2 teeth!! They're not all the way in, but you can definitely see two white teeth poking through! He's been a little fussy at night time, but nothing a little Tylenol and Orajel can't fix!! His sleep is not disturbed, however, because he's still getting the 10-12 hours a night! WOOHOO!! I can't get a good picture of his teeth because he won't keep his mouth open long enough! But, one of these days, you'll be able to see them good while he's smiling!!!