We've been having some more fall fun lately! Last weekend we went to a "block party" put on by Atlanta Parent Magazine. My mom got free tickets, so we took advantage of that opportunity!
One thing that I've wanted Michael to do this fall was to go on a pony ride. I wasn't quite sure how he would feel about it. It's one of those things that he could LOVE or that would terrify him. I was so excited to find out that the block party had pony rides! It was the first thing that we did. We paid our two tickets and got on the little black pony with a blue blanket - the most "boyish" looking one out there. And he loved it! I was totally surprised! I started out by walking around with the pony, but he didn't even need me! He wanted to ride it by himself! :)

Then Michael got his face painted... he sat so still!

We shot some hoops and played some baseball...

We visited the petting zoo and rode the train...

We ended our day climbing around on the fire truck, but they had to leave on a call. Michael loved seeing the lights and hearing the siren. It was a good finish to another fall day!