We've made a few changes to our house this summer...thanks to Craigslist and some hard work!
A couple of those changes are a 'new' swingset and 'new' kitchen table! We found the swingset on Craigslist. It was only a couple of years old and the price was right! I sweet-talked Sam, our friend Jamey, and my dad into traveling an hour and a half to use their man-power to take the thing apart! Once we got it home, we had to put in some good ole' fashioned elbow grease and clean the plastic and wood really well, but it looks great in our back yard! Sam's family was in town from Kansas City this week and they got to participate in some swingset fun!
Cori helping Michael climb the ladder to the monkey bars...

Cailyn's a little big for the slide!

Our other new addition is a new-to-us kitchen table! We got this table from my dad, but I never thought it would fit in our kitchen. All we had was a (very) small 4-person table, so when we had company we were hurting for places to sit. Well, one day last week, I thought we would risk it and see if the big table would fit and it was perfect!! We even had Sam's family over for dinner and everyone had a place to sit!
It was so much fun to have everyone in once place at the table. I'm looking forward to more family and friends gathering around in the future! Thanks for the table, Dad!
More house changes to come....