I don't usually make resolutions because I'm not good at keeping them. However, this year felt like a good "goal-setting" year for me. I have a lot of things in mind for 2010.
This year I resolve to....
-Spend more time with Jesus...in prayer and in His word. I'm still working through my Esther Bible Study and my small group is about to start studying Corinthians, which I'm really excited about! I want to stay excited about learning more about the Lord through his word. I've also come to realize that I talk to Jesus a lot, but I don't listen very well. I need to do a better job at listening to His voice.
-Be a better wife. I want to serve Sam and give him my best...not just my leftovers. I want to greet him with a smile when he comes home from work. I want to keep a positive attitude through basketball season. And, I want to cook our dinners more often. That has to do with being a better wife, right? I'm dusting off those cookbooks now...
-Be a better mother. I resolve to spend more time in the floor playing with Michael and less time on the computer when it's play time. I want to feed him good nutritious foods and teach him something new everyday! I treasure this time with him and I am in constant amazement at the miracle that is his life! He is such a blessing to the both of us and I don't want this time to pass me by and regret not playing with his "Little People" garage more often!
-Be healthier. Eat better foods. Drink more water. Exercise more...enough said.
-Organize and (hopefully) finish the basement. Our goals for the basement are to make a play area for Michael and future children, a craft area for me, an office area, and possibly a TV/gaming area. That's high hopes...I think we can do it!! We're waiting on Mr. Government to send us some tax return money!
-Recover 6 years of
pictures from our old hard drive. Remember when our
computer crashed a year ago? Well, that hard drive is still sitting in a closet because the Geek Squad couldn't do anything about it. I'm on a mission to find someone to successfully recover our pictures!
-Be a better
keeper of our home. My problem isn't necessarily cleaning, but organizing. I don't want to have to scramble to throw things in my closet when company comes over. I would love to dwell in an organized living space all the time. It's not just Michael's toys. I have always been bad about not putting things where they belong. I've got to stop that habit this year. It drives me nuts! The
Fly Lady says to always go to bed with a shiny sink, so that's where I'm starting.
I hope I can stick to these. I think that now that I've told the world what I hope to accomplish, it will help me be accountable. If you made resolutions this year, I hope you stick to yours as well.
Question: What are you calling the new year? Two thousand ten or twenty ten or two-oh-one-oh? Ha!! I say Two thousand ten, but have heard it so many ways. Also, what do we call this decade? The twenty-teens? The tens? Oh my...so many things to think of!