Michael went to the Atlanta Zoo for the first time the other day with his mommy and grandma! I'm sure this is the first of many annual trips that he will take in his lifetime. He was able to see a few animals up close, so those were the ones that he liked the best. He got a good look at the UGLY warthogs, the leemers, and the pandas! He calls every animal "gurgur" because our dog's name is Sugar. So he enjoyed seeing the "gurgurs".
We got to sit on the bronze statue of the famous Gorilla, Willie B. I remember seeing Willie B. in when I was little. He is the icon of the Atlanta Zoo, so it was nice that Michael got to meet him and play with him!

We also got to go on a short train ride around the zoo. Michael enjoyed riding like a big boy (and sometimes standing up like he shouldn't)!

Michael also got to pet his first animals (that weren't doggies)! He got to pet a goat and a sheep. We stayed away from the pigs because they smelled bad!

Here's a look at some of the animals that we got to see! We were really glad to see the pandas because we heard that they are going back to China. Apparently, the zoo just had them on lease for a short while.
It'll be different taking Michael to the zoo next year because he'll probably be able to say the names of the animals! I'm excited to have started yet another tradition that we can carry on for years to come!